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CLICK ONE below:
- "The Authority Of The Bible"
- "Addendum To 'The Authority Of The Bible'"
- "The Berean Method Of Bible Interpretation" A 2nd Addendum To 'The Authority Of The Bible' READ ME FIRST
- "The Bible Loop For Complete Confidence In The Bible Old And New Testaments Based On The Authority Of Jesus Christ, Correctly Interpreted, And Under His Guidance" {Revised} - A 3rd Addendum To “The Authority Of The Bible”; This is one of a series of position statements Documents on “The Authority Of The Bible”. -- please also click to get this Handout = ”The Trifecta Of ‘23”; Besides this Bible Addendum, the other two parts of the Trifecta are “The Birth, Life, Death, And Resurrection Of Jesus Christ” Art Music with Program Notes (52 min.), a Major Work on the Music Videos link and “The Flowers Of Sarah” (54 min.) It is a special piece of Elegant Beauty on the Music Videos link. It has a spiritual message about our partnership with God.
- “A Layered Aesthetic Interpretation Of Music For The Performer, Composer, And Listener”: A new look at music in human existence. For anyone who makes music at any level and for anyone’s enjoyment of music. Not as complex as the title might imply. The principles in this document have application to all of the arts. [“That’s The Way I Understand It - Series”]
- “A Quick Look At Biblical Christianity”: Do you know why Jesus of Nazareth is important? Do you know what He claims His purpose is? Do you know how He supports and interprets the Bible? Compare your answers with this document. Many people who know that Jesus is important have never really investigated Biblical Christianity. Many people are restrained by peer pressure (both social and professional), threat of death, etc. from investigating Jesus of Nazareth or from investigating Biblical Christianity. This is a good document to use to begin your investigation of Biblical Christianity. This document could have also been titled “The Intellectual Basis Of Belief And The Belief Basis Of Intellect”. [“That’s The Way I Understand It - Series”]
- {THIS TITLE LEFT CLICK ONLY} “The Pattern Of Prime Numbers Plus A Prime Numbers Formula” {This title has multiple files to save.}: For the mathematician. Contains information on macro writing thus making it also for the computer person. [“That’s The Way I Understand It - Series”]
- "Is The Cross Of Jesus Christ Central To Human History?": Has anyone ever told you about Biblical Christianity? Do you know some of the issues about the Bible and Bible interpretation including the issue of is God a rewarder? Uses "The seven last words of Jesus Christ". Uses the story of the thief on the cross beside Jesus. The thief on the cross bad-mouthed Jesus severely. Then, in less than a few hours he converted. What happened? Why did the thief convert? Sinners can be forgiven and redeemed by God. An Advocate for interpreting the Bible the way Jesus of Nazareth interprets the Bible. {Help to save you time in figuring out the Bible.} [“That’s The Way I Understand It - Series”]
- “How To Sing At Sight For The Singer And Instrumentalist (How To Hear Printed Music In Your Mind)”: Just what the title says. For the professional and the amateur. Get a copy of this document for each member of your performance organization especially if it is a singing group. Drill on it at the beginning of each rehearsal should pay good dividends. [“That’s The Way I Understand It - Series”]
- "A Case For Art Music To Be The Core Of The Church Music Program": Persuasion to help us not to lose the great depth of Worship that is possible with a particular kind of music assuming that it is properly done. [“That’s The Way I Understand It - Series”]
- “Encouraging Hope For The Adult Beginning Harpist”: Encouragement for adult harpist. Discussion of musicianship for any musician and for many who are not musicians. [“That’s The Way I Understand It - Series”]
- “The Welcoming Committee For The Second Coming”: A study in Biblical prophecy and the end times of earth time. {Help to save you time in figuring out Bible Prophecy.} [“That’s The Way I Understand It - Series”]
- “An Easy Bible Reading Plan”: Do you know what the Bible really says? With a few minutes a day you can read the entire Bible. The readings are divided into episodes to make your reading more logical and easier. [“That’s The Way I Understand It - Series”]
- "The Essence Of Teaching": Provides the professional teacher or the parent as teacher with a momentary reflection on the natural process of teaching hopefully with a more comprehensive, helpful look at teaching. [“That’s The Way I Understand It - Series”]
- {THIS TITLE LEFT CLICK ONLY} “A Mathematical And Computer Analysis Method For Catching A Sniper, Etc.”: {This title has multiple files to save.} An inexpensive, simple to use tool for law enforcement to identify the law breaker in serial, multiple incident law breaking situations. For law enforcement professionals. [“That’s The Way I Understand It - Series”]
- “Instant Sunday School – A Ten Year Verse-By-Verse Trip Through The Bible”: Requires very little preparation time for a person to lead this group study. All of the work is already done for you. Thus, it is an easy Bible Study to present. This Bible Study goes through the Bible verse-by-verse alternating from time to time between the Testaments. This study can also be done as an individual study. Please see the document for more details and uses. Do you know what the Bible really says to help you discern error and grow? "Blessed are they that hear the Word of God, and keep it." Luke 11:28 [“That’s The Way I Understand It - Series”]
- "THE BIBLICAL GOD IS A REWARDER - Are You Informed About Where Biblical Christians Are Coming From As You Make Decisions?": Bible Rewards from God. [“That’s The Way I Understand It - Series”]
- "Bible Lessons For Those Who Want To Be Better Informed About This Famous Book": Do you know what the Bible really says and what it offers? Do you know what are some of the main issues in a Bible interpretation position that is An Advocate for interpreting the Bible the way Jesus of Nazareth interprets the Bible and what kind of Biblical understanding it offers? Requires a few minutes a day of reading. Uses documents from That’s The Way I Understand It - Series. [Another approach to the materials in Studies In Biblical Christianity, A Self-Directed Course Of Study.] [“That’s The Way I Understand It - Series”]
- "Studies In Biblical Christianity": A Self-Directed Course Of Study - Provides a Picture Study, a Linear Study, and Additional Studies that should go far in giving you the opportunity to examine the explanations, clarifications, and reasons in the view of a Bible interpretation position that is An Advocate for interpreting the Bible the way Jesus of Nazareth interprets the Bible to see some of the issues in Biblical Christianity for an introduction or review. Uses documents from That’s The Way I Understand It - Series. [Another approach to the materials in Bible Lessons For Those Who Want To Be Better Informed About This Famous Book.] [“That’s The Way I Understand It - Series”]
- "Confidence And Encouragement For The Non-Virtuoso Harpist"
- "Hymn Arranging For Youth - Two Quick Ways": Instrumental hymn arranging.
- "What If A Well-Designed Value Added Tax Replaced The IRS":
- "I’m Sorry! When We Elders Leave The Planet, We Had Hoped To Leave The World A Better Place For You Young Ones. However, There May Yet Be A Way For Your Land Still To Be Healed.":
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