"A Soundtrack For St John" presentation involves the thirty-three below Files.
You are encouraged to please make the effort to experience A Major Classical Style Art Music Work presentation. Enjoy!
Please notice that "The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ – A Musical Meditation" is at the bottom of this page and it is a separate Presentation than "A Soundtrack For St John" (scroll down). : Also notice that it is not included in the ZIP FILE for "A Soundtrack For St John".
DIRECTIONS FOR PRECAUTIONS: Anything saved from the web should be virus checked, etc.
NOTE: First read the Read Me First .pdf file. Some things mentioned in the Read Me file are already done for you.
DIRECTIONS FOR LISTENING TO A .mp3 RECORDING ON YOUR COMPUTER:___ (1)-To properly hear the whole sound spectrum of .mp3 files with enough bass requires over-the-ear earphones or a speaker system that sounds like a live symphony orchestra. Some ear-buds earphones may be somewhat satisfactory. You MUST have good bass for the other notes to make proper musical sense. The computer total sound needs to be loud enough for the computer to reproduce the inner voices in the music. Do not listen to the music in a noisy place.___ (2)-Click a .mp3 Title below to Play a Recording on your computer.___ (3)-The Player controls to Play the Recording may likely be in the the middle of the screen or at the bottom of the screen.___ Different web browser screens do different things. If you have a black, empty screen, then double click the screen to get to a regular screen with a tab at the top left of the screen. This tab at the top left of the screen can also be used to close the screen by clicking the "X" in the tab or otherwise click the back arrow at the top left of the screen to close the screen.___ (4)-If the browser window fails to work properly, use another browser. It is best to use the latest, up-to-date version of your browser.___ (5)-If nothing works with your browser and there is no Recording playing, then Download and save the Recording file to your desktop and then play the Recording on your default .mp3 player as described in the next bullet below.___ (6)-The Recording Copyright may not show on the screen.
DIRECTIONS FOR VIEWING A .pdf DOCUMENTS: Click a .pdf Title below.
DIRECTIONS FOR DOWNLOADING AND SAVING A DOCUMENT OR A RECORDING FILE: To download and save a Document .pdf File or an Recording .mp3 File on to a PC: right click the title and click a choice that says something like “Save Target As” or “Save Link As” or “Save Link Content As” noting carefully where you are saving it;___ (the Files need to be saved into a folder on your desktop so you should make a folder called John Soundtrack and save the Files there; save all thirty-five of the below Files into the John Soundtrack folder that you just made; sometimes the Download ends up in the computer's Download Folder (which is different from any other Download Folder that might be on the computer);___ On a MAC: look up how to download and save a .pdf Document File and a Recording .mp3 file.
DIRECTIONS FOR PRINTING .mp3 DOCUMENTS: It is suggested that saved .pdf Document Files be printed from your Adobe Reader using the menu "File/Print" using print settings: Reverse pages, Shrink oversized pages to paper size, Auto-rotate and center pages. The setting may be Fit To Page. This is required to squeeze Copyright and all other information on to the page! Get an Adobe Reader from Adobe.com.
{DIRECTIONS for CELL PHONES, ETC.: scroll to the bottom of this page for special DIRECTIONS.}
Need help with this website? See a computer friend.___(scroll up and down as needed)
It may well be more convenient to Save one file at a time and read or listen to that file; then save the next file and read or listen the that file; then save the next file and read or listen to that file, etc.___ It is musically best to hear all of the "A Soundtrack For St John" .mp3 files on the same day. Enjoy!
Those who are famiiar with ZIP Files may want to save the John files as a ZIP file which downloads and saves all thirty-three files at once.
A ZIP File is a more complicated, but quicker, way to download and save all thirty-three files at once.___ DIRECTIONS FOR A ZIP FILE:___ (1)-A ZIP FILE is a collection of files that are bundled together. There are several ways to Download and open the ZIP File. The following should be an adequate way.___ (2)-PC: Put a folder on your desktop and name the folder John Soundtrack. The ZIP File is 252 MB and may take 2-75 minutes to Download so you may need to set your computer to "no sleep".___ TO SAVE THE JOHN ZIP FILE RIGHT CLICK HERE and then click a choice that says something like “Save Target As” or “Save Link As” or “Save Link Content As”.___ Then save the download of the ZIP File to the John Soundtrack folder you just made on the desktop.___ (3)-To unzip the folder: (4)-Open the John Soundtrack folder and Right click the ZIP folder; (2) then click something that says “Extract” or "Extract All";. (5)-Browse and select your John Soundtrack folder; (6)-Then, click the Extract button there. (7)-Open the John - Web Version folder for all of the John files.___ (You may need to see your Help Files.)___ Open folders and read any Read Me files.___ MAC: Look up "unzip".
"The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ – A Musical Meditation" is a separate Presentation than "A Soundtrack For St John".
"The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ – A Musical Meditation" presentation involves the below Files. (These files are not in the ZIP FILE.)
PERFORMANCE: To hear "The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ – A Musical Meditation": play the downloaded .mp3 file.
Thank you for taking the time to use this website. Have A Good Day!
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DIRECTIONS SPECIAL NOTE if using cell phones, etc. to view this website: (1) For Documents and Sheet Music {.pdf files}: with cell phones, etc. that are not computers, clicking a “TITLE” that is a .pdf file may create a “DOWNLOAD” that does not show up in any website window. Close the website and go to your opening screen on your cell phone, etc. In your search engine type “downloads” and see if something like a “Downloads rectangle" appears to be clicked to see the “downloaded TITLE that you clicked”. If not, then contact your dealer where you got your cell phone, etc. for HELP with downloads. When you find the Download, view the Download and then close the Download and again go to your opening screen on your cell phone, etc. In your search engine type danielhookemusic.com to return to the website for more viewing. … (2) Excel Spreadsheets {.xls files} are impractical to view on a cell phone, etc. because of much right and left scrolling. Use a computer instead. … (3) Zip Files and their Extraction for files by using a cell phone, etc. should be done on a computer instead. Zip File contents can be seen other ways on the website. … (4) Recordings {.mp3 files} CAN Be heard on cell phones, etc. using good earphones or by connecting the cell phone, etc. to an adequate speaker system as described earlier. ENJOY!