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CLICK ONE below:
- "The Birth, Life, Death, And Resurrection Of Jesus Christ" - Pedal or Lever Harp Major Work: use 3 ring notebook and a page turner. At performances of this major work, please put in your printed program a reference to the music video by this same title at the danielhookemusic.com website on the Music Videos link to see the Scripture behind this music; or verbally announce the same TWICE giving the spelling [hooke has an “e” on it] giving the title, the website address (no caps), and state that it is on the Music Videos link.
- "Prelude On 'Amazing Grace'" - Organ
- "Strophic On 'Away In A Manger'" - Pedal Harp or Lever Harp: (see also Recordings link for same title)
- "Chimes" - Organ Chimes
- "Three-Fold Amen" - SATB Choir
- "Joyful Meditation" - Harp and Organ (Score): --click each part separately for a copy--; click for a copy= "Joyful Meditation" - Harp and Organ (harp part): click for a copy= "Joyful Meditation" - Harp and Organ (organ part).
- "Joyful Meditation" - Harp and Piano
- "Joyful Meditation" - Piano
- "A Colonial Turkey In The Straw" - SAT Recorders: (see also Recordings link for same title)
- "Strophic On 'Abide With Me'" - Harp: (see also Recordings link for same title)
- "Silent Night" - Harp: (see also Recordings link for same title)
- "Christ On The Cross" - Harp: (see also Recordings link for same title)
- "Folk Song On 'Bringing In The Sheaves'" - Harp: (see also Recordings link for same title)
- "Star of the East" - SATB Choir with Piano: (see also Music Videos link for same title)
- "Scott Joplin's New Rag" - for Flute and Harp (Score): (see also Recordings link for same title); --click each part separately for a copy--; click for a copy= "Scott Joplin's New Rag" - for Flute and Harp (flute part): click for a copy= "Scott Joplin's New Rag" - for Flute and Harp (harp part).
- "In The Bleak Midwinter" - for Harp and 2 Flautists (Score): (see also Recordings link for same title); --click each part separately for a copy--; click for a copy= "In The Bleak Midwinter" - for Harp and 2 Flautists (harp part); click for a copy= "In The Bleak Midwinter" - for Harp and 2 Flautists (Flautist (melodic) part); click for a copy= "In The Bleak Midwinter" - for Harp and 2 Flautists (Flautist (lyrical) part).
- "My joy might remain in you, and
that your joy might be full ... If you keep My commandments" - for Harp: (see also Recordings link for same title); ALSO AVAILABLE AS A HARP DUET OR ENSEMBLE TO MAKE AN EASIER PERFORMANCE = --click each part separately for a copy--; click for a copy= "My joy might remain in you, and
that your joy might be full ... If you keep My commandments" - for Harp Duet or Ensemble (treble part): click for a copy= "My joy might remain in you, and
that your joy might be full ... If you keep My commandments" - for Harp Duet or Ensemble (bass part).
- "Cripple Creek" - for Harp Quartet or Ensemble (Score); uses instrumental/choral arranging for easier playing: (see also Recordings link for same title); --click each part separately for a copy--; click for a copy= "Cripple Creek" for Harps (soprano part): click for a copy= "Cripple Creek" for Harps (alto part): click for a copy= "Cripple Creek" for Harps (tenor part): click for a copy= "Cripple Creek" for Harps (bass part).
- "Retawztif Haras" - for String Quartet, String Choir or Orchestra (Score): (see also Recordings link for same title); --click each part separately for a copy--; click for a copy= "Retawztif Haras" - for String Quartet, String Choir or Orchestra (Violin 1 part): click for a copy= "Psalm 122 Festive Response (Violin 2 part): click for a copy= "Retawztif Haras" - for String Quartet, String Choir or Orchestra (Viola part): click for a copy= "Retawztif Haras" - for String Quartet, String Choir or Orchestra (Cello part): click for a copy= "Retawztif Haras" - for String Quartet, String Choir or Orchestra (Double Bass part).
- "Psalm 122 Festive Response" - for Harp, Shofar (or F Horn), Piano, Trumpet, Voice and Reading (Score): (see also Recordings link for same title); --click each part separately for a copy--; click for a copy= "Psalm 122 Festive Response (Harp part): click for a copy= "Psalm 122 Festive Response (Shofar part): click for a copy= "Psalm 122 Festive Response (F Horn part): click for a copy= "Psalm 122 Festive Response (Piano part): click for a copy= "Psalm 122 Festive Response (Trumpet part); click for a copy= "Psalm 122 Festive Response (Voice/Reading part). Directions: Instruments and Choir (or Soloist) does one Response "R" part to present melody to Congregation; Then, Instruments, Choir, and Congregation does first "R"; Leader reads regular print, followed by all reading bold print; continue in same manner.
- "Trumpet Tune Variations for Harp and Soprano Recorder (Score): (see also Recordings link for same title); --click each part separately for a copy--; click for a copy= "Trumpet Tune Variations" (harp part): click for a copy= "Trumpet Tune Variations" (soprano recorder part).
- "Valentine Song" - Harp: (see also Recordings link for same title); Lavender's Blue (dilly, dilly) 17th century folk song nursery rhyme; a simple song to play for those you love in Valentine season.
- "Hallelujah Chorus" - for SATB Recorders (Score): (see also Recordings link for same title); --click each part separately for a copy--; click for a copy= "Hallelujah Chorus" - for SATB Recorders (soprano part): click for a copy= "Hallelujah Chorus" - for SATB Recorders (alto part): click for a copy= "Hallelujah Chorus" - for SATB Recorders (tenor part): click for a copy= "Hallelujah Chorus" - for SATB Recorders (bass part).
- "Perfect Enharmonic Amen" - SATB Choir: A short choral Amen like in some hymn books. Look at it from the top, bottom, left side, or right side - - any way you turn it, it is the same piece of music.
- "Old Rugged Cross" - Harp
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